Making Peace by Exposing Sin
by Roy Atwood
(This is an excerpt from his article:)
First, God not only permits public exposure
of sin, but He positively requires it in His Word. Moses made idolators
public examples (Deut.13:6-11), Isaiah publicly revealed the transgressions
and sins of God's people (Isaiah 58:1), Ezekiel exposed Israel's abominations
(Ezekiel 16:2, 23:36), and Paul sternly warned Christians to not only avoid
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but to reprove them (Eph.
5:11). God Himself will disclose every vile secret of mankind on
the final and awful day of judgment (Rom 2:16).
In 1843 J.R. McDowell, editor of McDowell's
Journal (NY) and a minister of the gospel, wrote one of the few biblical
defenses of journalistic exposures of sin. Unlike the sensation-mongering
"penny papers" of his day, McDowell's monthly based its exposes on the
fact that the Bible taught and practiced from Genesis to Revelation the public
condemnation of sin. Biblically our duty is, McDowell concluded,
"to expose licentiousness." To shirk our duty and to permit sin to have
the field without rebuke is to mock the holiness of God. Failure
to expose sin obliterates the sharp antithesis God has placed between righteousness
and unrighteousness.
Second, the Bible also teaches that we must temper
our public revelations of sin with justice and humility. True justice
flows from obedience to the law of God, and God's Word reveals precisely
how we are to deal with our own sins and the sins of others. His
means perfectly fit His ends. He tells us, for example, when to speak
gently and privately to a brother struggling with sin and when to rebuke
the church and the nations for their (our) collective guilt. As McDowell
observed, "The code of criminal law proscribed by every civilized and Christian
government, requires the most diligent and energetic efforts to detect,
expose and punish vice. . . . It is only upon the
detection and punishment of vice, that the peace and safety of society
depend. Banish from the community the vigilance of Police by day,
and of a Watch by night . . . in short, abolish the whole
system of means and measures, or powers and functions, organized for the
detection, exposure, and punishment of vice. And then shall you see
commence the Reign of Terror and the Misrule of Anarchy." At the same time,
the Bible tells us not to expose vice in self-righteousness (for so we
condemn ourselves; see Matt. 7), but to declare the judgment of God
against sin and to preach God's grace to sinners. The daily litany
of public sin in the news should not improve our self-esteem ("Gee, I'm
not nearly as sinful as that miserable man!"), but remind us that we stand
personally and corporately guilty before a righteous God ("Lord have mercy
on us").
And third, God uses the public exposure of sin
to bring us to repentance and faith. Revelations of sin that merely
provide fodder for gossip and profit from another's misery are themselves
sins worthy of public revelation and repentance. All reporters who
hound lawbreakers for the sake of ratings and profits, and all audiences
who devour titillating scraps of scandal for their own perverted pleasure
are equally guilty of gross public sin. Without repentance and faith
as its goal, the public exposure of sin is just one more sin. In
fact, the Scriptures inextricably link the revelation of sin with the call
to repentance. For example, the apostle Peter, after he told the
crowds on the Day of Pentecost that they were guilty of crucifying Jesus,
said, "Save yourselves from this crooked age" and "repent and be baptized,
every one of you, in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness
of your sins" (Acts 2:36-41). Knowledge of our sin is not enough.
Only the washing away of our sins by Christ's righteousness will save
us from all our sins, exposed or secret.
McDowell summed up the issue this way: "Those
therefore who oppose the detection and exposure of vice, must see that
they are acting in opposition to the best interests of society, and to
the collective wisdom and experience of legislators in every age of the
world. But this is not all: Such opposers must find themselves acting
in fearful opposition to the Precept and Practice of the Bible, and of
the Bible's God."
We must not conceal, therefore, the vile sins
of many ours, mine, or OJ's. Rather, we should repent from the failure
of our news media and our churches our failure to call sinners so exposed
to repent and to make peace with The Only One Who Forgives All Our Sins.