Poetry Found in Jennifer's Old Bible

If Jesus Came to Visit

If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do.

Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room to such an honored guest.
And all the food you’d serve to Him would be the very best.

And you would keep assuring Him you’re glad to have Him there.
That serving Him in your own home is joy beyond compare.

But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly visitor?

Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in?
Or hide some dirty magazines and put bibles where they’d been?

Would you quick turn off the radio and hope He hadn’t heard,
And wish you hadn’t offered that last loud hasty word?

Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out?
Could you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about?

And I wonder if the Savior spent a day or two with you
Would you go right on doing the things you always do?

Would you go on saying the things you always say?
Would life for you continue as it does from day to day?

Would your family conversations keep up its usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?

Would you sing the songs you always sing and read the books you read,
And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?

Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you’d planned to go?
Or would you maybe change your plans for just a day or two?

Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends?
Or would you hope they’d stay away until His visit ends?

Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone?

It might be interesting to know the things that you would do
If Jesus Christ, in person, came to spend some time with you.

The Choice

I said, “Let me walk in the fields”.  He said, “Nay, walk in the town”.
I said, “There are no flowers there”.  He said, “No flowers, but a crown”.

I said, “But the sky is black.  There is nothing but noise and din”.
But He wept as He led me back. “There is more”, He said, “There is sin”.

I said, “But the air is thick and fogs are veiling the sun”.
He answered yet, “Hearts are sick and souls in the dark undone”.

I said, “I shall miss the light, and friends will miss me they say”.
He said, “Choose tonight if I am to miss you, or they”.

I pleaded for time to be given. He said, “Is it hard to decide?
It will not seem hard in heaven to have followed the steps of your guide”.

I cast one look at the field, then set my face to the town.
He said, “My child, do you yield? Will you leave the flowers for the crown?”

Then into His hand went mine and into my heart came He.
And I walk in light Devine the path I had feared to see.

Loves Recipe

Love is made of tenderness. Love is made of fire.
Of glory and of wonder. Of longings and desire.
Of dreams and hopes and fantasies, of passions and of pain.
Of showers after sunshine and of sunshine after rain.

But love that lasts a lifetime is more than material stuff.
It’s made of dogged patience when the going is rather rough.
It’s made of understanding and a lot of little things
The irks and quirks and painful jolts that daily life brings.

Love that lasts a lifetime needn’t lose its high romance,
But it’s got to be of fiber that can battle circumstance.
It must have fire and tenderness and loyalty intense.
And faith and hope and charity and simple common sense.

One Little Rose

I’d rather have one little rose from the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers when my stay on earth must end.

I’d rather have the kindest words which may now be said of me
Than to be flattered when I’m gone and my life has ceased to be.

I’d rather have a loving smile from friends I know are true
Than tears shed round my casket when I’ve bade this world adieu.

Bring me all your flowers today whether pink or white or red
I’d rather have one blessing now than a truck load when I’m dead.

A Baby’s Secret

I’m just a little feller who didn’t quite make it there.
I went straight to be with Jesus but I’m waiting for you here.

Don’t you fret about me, mommy. I’m of all God’s lambs most blessed.
I’d have loved to stay there with you, but the Shepherd knows what’s best.

Many now dwelling here where I live waited years to enter in.
Struggled through a world of sorrow and their lives were marred with sin.

So, sweet mommy don’t you sorrow; wipe the tears and chase the gloom.
I went straight to Jesus bosom from my lovely mothers womb.

Thank you for the life you gave me. It was brief but don’t complain.
I have all of heaven’s glory, suffered none of earthly pain.

Thank you for the name you gave me. I’d have loved to bring it fame.
But if I’d lingered in life’s sorrows, might instead have brought it shame.

Daddy gave me something from you. He’s our secret, mommy dear.
Pressed it tight against my forehead, whispered in my tiny ear.

I’ll be waiting for you, mommy. You and daddy, bud and sis,
I’ll be with you then forever. Then I’ll give you Father’s kiss.