Dressed to Kill

Just read an interesting book called Dressed to Kill. It is about the lymphatics on Women, and how brassieres restrict the flushing of the lymphatic fluids and toxins. It was very interesting. They even went out and interviewed Many women, and asked questions about how many hours they were worn, how well they fit, did they leave red marks or grooves, etc.... and it was interesting when the statistics were separated into Cancer Victims Vs Non Cancer interviewee's, that most women had some problems, but more with the Cancer group, and the funny thing was, that the cancer group seemed to wear theirs LONGER, some almost 24 hours, kind of a protection emotional mechanism... which made the problem worse!

The book made the point that to wear something that is too tight, sometime too warm, and constrictive, is similar to how they do bull castrations, where they put a tight band around the scrotum, and cut off the blood supply, and circulation, and they kind of atrophy and dry up. They made many similarities in other clothing pieces, and other lymphatic drainage areas, but the point was made to not wear one all the time, as little as possible, and make sure it is well fitting, and allows some movement, without such restriction.

As I understand it, the lymphatics are more in volume than the blood supply, and their vital function is to cleanse and remove toxins out of the organs into the blood to be removed by the body through waste. When this is stagnate, and leaves this waste stuck in a organ for extended times every day, the organ suffers severe damage from free radicals and other problematic bacteria, etc...

The book made sense, although it is not too popular in today's culture. They showed cross sections of different cultures, where women wore bras every day, and those cultures that didn't. Japan, in the industrialized cultures, have some of the lowest incidence of breast cancers, presumably as they wear looser fitting clothing, and clothing that did not mandate wearing a bra.

Something to think about... At least consider taking it off at home, while meal preparation and other household activities are on going, to allow for physical movement to help to flush lymphatics prior to retiring for the evening....