Bibliography of books on Food Additives

  • 1947 Nutrition Bible by Jean Anderson, B.S., Barbara Deskins, Ph.D. Published by William Morow. Defines and explains foods, additives, pollutants, hormones and food-related diseases and deficiencies. Debunks misconceptions on food and nutriton. Hardbound. 544 pages $30.00 ISBN 0-688-11619-1
  • Prescription for Nutritional Healing - A Practical A-Z reference to drug-free remedies using Vitamins, Minerals, herbs and Food Supplements. by Dr. James & Phyllis Balch. Published by Avery. Soft cover. (new addition is 500 pages) $20-22 dollars approximately -depending on where you buy and if they are discounting.
  • Consumer's Dictionary of Medicines - Prescrption, Over-the-Counter, Homeopathic and Herbal-Plus Medical Definitions. By Ruth Winter, M.S. published by Random House. The authoratative reference now completely updated with more than 1,000 new entries. Soft cover. $20.00 ISBN 0-517-885344
  • Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives - Definitions for the Layman of Ingredients Harmful and Desirable. by Ruth Winter M.S., published by Random House. Up -to-date information on thousands of ingredients in foods, including recently banned additives. Soft cover. $14.00 425 pages. ISBN 0-517-88195-0
  • Also, Consumer's Guide to Medicines in Food Label Reader's Pocket Dicionary of Food Additives - A comprehensive Quick Reference Guide to More than 250 of Today's Most Common Food Additives. Michael J. Lapchick, Cindy Appleseth, R.Ph. Published by Avery. Easy-to-read format. Clear symbols indicate whether each additive is safe, questionable or a health hazard. Paperback 124 pages. $4.95 ISBN 1-56561-027-x
  • Green Groceries - A Mail-Order Guide to Organic Foods by HarperCollins. $16.00 330 pages.

Hope that wasn't an overkill! There is such an abundance of books available covering many aspects of nutrition.

Lorraine M.